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Mr. Dan Bunker
Plastic Surgery Tasmania



FRACS, MS MBBS (Hons) BE Aero (Hons, Medal)


​Trained in Melbourne, Sydney and Europe

​Specialist Plastic Surgeon based in Launceston, Tasmania

Daniel Bunker, Daniel Bunker LLC, Launceston, Tasmania
Daniel Bunker, Daniel Bunker LLC, Launceston, Tasmania
Daniel Bunker, Daniel Bunker LLC, Launceston, Tasmania
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Daniel Bunker, Daniel Bunker LLC, Launceston, Tasmania
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Daniel Bunker, Daniel Bunker LLC, Launceston, Tasmania

Why choose a Specialist Plastic Surgeon?

A Specialist Plastic Surgeon has undergone numerous years of rigorous training and examination and are Fellows of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. They are required to maintain ethical standards and are governed by a code of conduct and regulating professional body. They also need to complete yearly Professional Development requirements to maintain their Fellowship. A Specialist Plastic Surgeon is your choice of provider for safe and impactful surgical intervention.

Daniel Bunker LLC, Launceston, Tasmania

BE Aero (Hons I University Medal)
AHPRA: MED0001670175

Mr. Daniel Bunker is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon trained in Sydney and Melbourne a with special interest in Facial Aesthetic and Head and Neck Cancer surgery. Additionally, he has completed a Fellowship in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Europe focusing on breast, body and facial aesthetic surgery. He has completed a Masters of Surgery by Research as well as a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering. He holds dual graduation with Honours in both Medicine and Engineering as well as a University Medal. Daniel is a Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon with the Australian and New Zealand Board of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and has completed Fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.


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