Mr. Bunker graduated in 2006 with a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering from the University of Sydney, Australia with First Class Honours and the University Medal. He designed and produced an electrodynamic tether deorbit system for picosatellites as well as wrote the corresponding design software for his graduate thesis. During this time he conducted experiments at the SP3 Space Plasma, Power and Propulsion Group at the Australian National University. He is a partner of Saber Astronautics with ongoing roles in product development and research in both the medical and engineering arenas. In 2013 his electrodynamic tether design was selected as the first international project for NASA's prestigious Flight Opportunities Program, where Daniel and select member of the Saber Astronautics team were able to validate the product in numerous zero-gravity flights. His engineering work has won him numerous awards, including the National Undergraduate Thesis Prize in Space Engineering for top aerospace thesis in Australia (Engineers Australia), the Charles Kolling Graduation Prize in Mechanical Engineering for Best Engineering Thesis (University of Sydney) and the WT Burke Prize in Aeronautical Engineering for Greatest Proficiency in the Engineering Seminar.
Mr. Daniel Bunker is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. He graduated with Honours in Medicine from the University of Sydney in 2009, receiving numerous academic awards during his studies. He was a co-founder of Westmead's Emergency Medicine Interest Group and the Western Clinical School Surgical Association. After completing internship and residency, he undertook a Masters of Surgery by Research with the Collaborative Transplant Group as concurrent holder of the Myee Codrington Microsurgery Scholarship, an Australian Postgraduate Award and the Alumni Scholarship in 2013. Mr. Bunker served as part of the medical support crew on call for the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Devon Island in 2009. He was accepted onto the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Training Program in 2016, training throughout major centres in Melbourne. He successfully passed his Fellowship Exam in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2020. He is Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons and holds professional memberships with the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, ANZ Burn Association and International Confederation of Plastic Surgery Societies. Mr. Bunker has presented at multiple national and international conferences and been published in numerous journals. He also acted as a reviewer for the International Journal of Hand Surgery.​ In 2023, Mr. Bunker travelled to Europe to gain exposure in face, breast and body surgery and completed an Interactive Aesthetic Surgery Fellowship. During this time, he worked with internationally renowned surgeons in Madrid, Spain to augment his skills and learn novel techniques.
Academic Awards
Academic Accolades
Dean’s Prize in Academic Merit 2008
Emergency Medicine Director’s Prize 2008
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Prize 2008
Prosector’s Award 2007
MBBS Honours 2010
Graeme Duffy Memorial Prize for Best Paper, RACS ASM Tasmania, October 25th 2014
Emmett Prize for Best Research Presentation, RACS PRS SET Conference, Wellington NZ, March 29th 2017
CMF Surgery Course Prize, Queenstown New Zealand, October 5th 2019
Prosector’s course 2007
Prosector’s course 2008
Practical Professionalism for Surgical Trainees, 2012
Critical literature Evaluation and Research (CLEAR), 2012
Advanced Trauma Life Support, Nee Soon Military Camp, Singapore, October 3-4, 2012
Introduction to Animal Research, University of Sydney, February 19, 2013
Teaching on the Run Clinical Training, Central Clinical School, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, March, 14/21/28, 2013
Doctor Patient Communication, Cognitive Institute 5662, Sydney, April 6, 2013
Trauma Skills Workshop, Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, Royal North Shore Hospital, April 9, 2013
Master Safer Practice, Cognitive Institute 533, Sydney, April 10, 2013
7th Annual Asia Pacific PVP Workshop, Sydney, July 21-22, 2014
Early Management of Severe Burns, Australian New Zealand Burn Association, May 30, 2015
ASSET, Royal Australian College of Surgeons AS145, Sydney, September 12-14, 2014
Open Structured Rhinoplasty Workshop, September 22, 2015
CCrISP, Royal Australian College of Surgeons C344, Melbourne, July 22-24, 2016
AO Trauma Hand and Wrist Course, Melbourne, September 8-9, 2016
Operating with Respect, Royal Australian College of Surgeons, Melbourne, August 11, 2022
Foundation Skill for Surgical Educators, Royal Australian College of Surgeons, August – September 2022
National Conference on Vicarious Trauma, Los Angeles California, November 8-9, 2012
Australasian College of Emergency Medicine Conference ASM, Wellington New Zealand, November 23 – 27, 2008
Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Council, Hobart Tasmania, May 7 – 8, 2014
7th Annual Asia Pacific PVP Workshop, Sydney Australia, July 21-22, 2014
Royal Australian College of Surgeons Tasmania Section Meeting, Launceston Tasmania, October 25, 2014
Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand Tasmania Section Meeting, Bruny Island Tasmania, October 31 – November 1, 2014
Plastic Surgery Congress, Australian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Brisbane, 6 – 10 May, 2015
International Course on Perforator Flaps, Sydney University, Sydney, 10-13th November, 2016
Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Registrars’ SET1 Conference, Brisbane Australia, 13-15th April, 2016
Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Registrars’ SET2-5 Conference, Wellington New Zealand, March 27 – 31, 2017
Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Registrars’ SET2-5 Conference, Adelaide Australia, 17 - 21 March 2019
Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Registrars’ SET2-5 Conference, Adelaide Australia, 23 - 27 March 2019
Craniomaxilofacial Surgery Course, Queenstown, New Zealand, October 3 – 5, 2019
12th Asian Pacific Federation for Societies of the Hand, Melbourne Australia, 11- 14 March 2020
AHSS Registrar Hand Surgery Review Course, Melbourne Australia, March 10 2020
Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Registrars’ SET2-5 Conference, Sydney, Australia, 27 February– 2 March 2021
RACS ASC, Launceston Australia, Tasmania 10 – 14 May 2021
Westmead Association Travelling Grant 2008
Third World Rural and Aboriginal Medicine, Scholarship, 2010
Rural Australia Medical Undergraduate Scholarship 2009-2010
University of Sydney First Year Bursary 2009
Norman John Dunlop Bursary, 207, 2008, 2010
Myee Codrington Microsurgery Scholarship, 2013
Alumni Research Scholarship, 2013
Australian Postgraduate Award, 2013
Academic awards
University Medal 2006
First Class Honours 2006
National Undergraduate Thesis Prize in Space Engineering 2006, Institution of Engineers Australia 2006
Charles Kolling Graduation Prize in Mechanical Engineering for Best Engineering Thesis, University of Sydney 2006
Top Undergraduate Project Display for Aerospace Research, 2006 AMME Research Conversazione
WT Burke Prize in Aeronautical Engineering for Greatest Proficiency in Engineering Seminar 2006
Ralph Salisbury Engineering Award 2006, St. Andrews College
Golden Key Honour Society
Dean’s List of Academic merit 2003-2006 inclusive
Cum Laude Academic Efficiency 2004-2005, St. Andrews College
Mechanical Engineering Minor Prize, 2006
Sir Francis Packer Bursary, 2004
Crane Stewart Scholarship for academic proficiency, 2005
College Scholarship, St. Andrews College 2005
Commonwealth Scholarship 2004-2007
Norman John Dunlop Bursary, 2010
Australian Postgraduate Award to pursue doctorate studies in engineering (declined to enter MBBS)
Satellite construction
Completed courses in satellite design and construction as well as orbital mechanics and payload insertion. In 2005 I was part of a team which designed and built a fully functional picosatellite. My particular research areas focus on the development of passive power sources using electrodynamic space tethers to extract energy from the space plasma.
Space plasma experiments
Ran experiments to test the Orbit Motion Limited Theory of cylindrical and spherical Langmuir probes at the Space Plasma, Power and Propulsion Group (SP3), Australian National University, Canberra 2006
Review Articles
Tendon to Bone Healing and Its Implications for Surgery, Bunker D, Ilie V, Nicklin S, Muscle Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 2014; 4(3):343–350
Delivery Techniques in Gene Therapy: a brief overview, Bunker D, Journal of Physical Chemisty and Biophysics, 2014; 4:147
Alkali Related Ocular Burns: a case series and review, Bunker D, George R, Kleinschmidt A, Kumar R, Maitz P, Journal of Burn Care and Research, 2014; 35(3):261-8
Original Articles
Radiographic signs of static carpal instability with distal end radius fractures: is current treatment adequate?, Bunker D, Pappas G, Moradi P, Dowd M, International Journal of Hand Surgery, 2012;17(3):325-30
Ethical Tensions in Surgery: who is doing my operation? ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2013; 83(7-8):503–504
Superdocs of the 21st Century - Can they really Fly? Bunker D, Ilie V, ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2013; 83(3):103-104
Laparoscopic Tenckhoff Catheter Insertion: a retrospective study over 6 years, Bunker D, Ilie V, Fisher D, ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2014; 84(1-2):73-7
Chin Necrosis as a Consequence of Prone Positioning in the Intensive Care Unit, Bunker D, Thomson M, Case Reports in Medicine, 2015; 762956
Direct recognition of hepatocyte-expressed MHC class I alloantigens is required for tolerance induction, Paul-Heng M, Leong M, Cunninghm E, Bunker D, Bremner K, Wang Z, Wang C, Tay S, McGuffog C, Logan G, Alexander I,, Hu M, Alexander S, Sparwasser T, Bertolino P, Bowen D, Bishop A, Sharland A, JCI Insight, 2018; 3(15
Case Reports
Thermal injuries caused by medical instruments: a case report of burns caused by a pulse oximeter, Bunker D, Kumar R, Martin A, Pegg S, Journal of Burn Care and Research, 2014; 35(2):132-4
Torsion of an Abdominal Wall Pedunculated Lipoma: a rare differential diagnosis for right iliac fossa pain, Bunker D, Ilie V, Halder T, Case Reports in Surgery, 2013; 587380
A Massive Pleomorphic Adenoma Arising from the Submandibular Gland, Bunker DLJ, Nothrop RK, Young A, Journal of Case Reports, ePub 20th Dec 2018
Is free tissue transfer following necrotising fasciitis safe? A case report and review, Bunker DLJ, Ferris S, AJOPS, 2019; 2(1): 99-102
Pathergy in Surgery: A Cautionary Tale of Post Surgical Pyoderma Gangrenosum, Briffa J, Wang T, Murphy L, Bunker D, Kode G, ANZJS, accepted August 2021
Masters of Surgery: Donor MHC Class I Gene Transfer to Recipient Liver: mechanistic studies of a novel strategy for transplant tolerance induction, D Bunker, University of Sydney, 2014
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering: Secondary Power Generation for Picosatellites using the Ambient Space Plasma Environment: An Electrodynamic Tether Approach Decided and Implemented, D Bunker, University of Sydney, 2006
Posters & Presentations
Presentations (Poster):
“Electrodynamic Tethers”, Bunker D, AMME Research Conversazione, Sydney 2006
“Secondary Power Generation for Picosatellites using Electrodynamic Tether Systems”, Bunker D, 9th Australian Space Science Conference, Sydney 2009
“Alkali Ocular Burns”, Rohit K, Bunker D, Kliendschmidt A, Pegg, RANZB Conference, Tasmania 2012
“Burns from a Pulse Oximeter”, Rohit K, Bunker D, Martin A, Pegg S, RANZB Conference Tasmania 2012
“Skin allograft tolerance achieved using liver-targeted viral vectors is dependent on direct antigen recognition”, Bunker D, Moumita P, Cunningham E, Chuanmin W, CHaunmin Z, Bishop A, Sharland A, Royal Australian College of Surgeons ASM, Singapore, May 6th 2014
“MHC Class I Gene Transfer to Recipient Liver facilitates Allograft Tolerance” Bunker DLJ, Cunningham E, Paul M, Wang Z, Wang C, Bishop A, Sharland A, Austin Research Week, Melbourne Australia, October 14th, 2014
“Outcome of Single Port Tenckhoff Catheter Insertion in a Regional Centre”, Bunker DLJ, Ilie V, Fisher D, Austin Research Week, Melbourne Australia, October 14th, 2014
“Investigating the phenomenon of the liver tolerance effect using a skin graft model”, Bunker DLJ, Cunningham E, Paul M, Wang Z, Wang C, Bishop A, Sharland A, Austin Research Week, Melbourne Australia, October 14th, 2014
“Assessment of distal end radius fractures: are we missing carpal instability syndromes?” Bunker DLJ, Pappas G, Moradi P, Dowd M, Austin Research Week, Melbourne Australia, October 14th, 2014
“Free Flap Reconstruction post Necrotising Fasciitis – is it sage?”, 87th RACS ASM, Sydney Australia, May 9th, 2018
Presentations (Oral):
“Satellite Power Generation Systems utilizing Electrodynamic Tethers in the Space Plasma Environment”, AMME Thesis Presentations, University of Sydney, 2006
“Bunnell’s Opponensplasty”, Barnouti L, Bunker D and Pappas G, Plastic Surgery Registrar’s Presentations, 2007
“Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis”, Medical Grand Rounds Dubbo Base Hospital, 2010
“Electroconvulsive Therapy”, Medical Grand Rounds Dubbo Base Hospital, 2009
“fMars Mission Support Oz”, 9th Australian Mars Exploration Conference, Adelaide 2009
“Medical Education Emergencies: is EMIG a part of your Triage?”, Australasian College of Emergency Medicine Conference, Wellington New Zealand 2008
“An Electrodynamic Tether System for Picosatellites”, 11th Australian Space Science Conference, Canberra 2011
“Haemotympanum”, RPAH In Department Case Presentations 2012
“Murine Skin Grafts in a Quest for Operational Tolerance”, INTREPID, University of Sydney, October 31st, 2013
“Immunological Mechanisms of Murine Allograft Tolerance: the role of PD-1:PD-L1”, Royal Australian College of Surgeons Tasmania Section Meeting, October 25th, 2014
“Gene Therapy: a brief overview”, Urological Society Australia and New Zealand Tasmania Section Meeting, Bruny Island Tasmania, November 1st, 2014
“Hand Infections”, Sydney Hand Hospital, August, 2015
“Keinbock’s Disease”, Sydney Hand Hospital, November, 2015
“Allograft Tolerance using Murine Models”, Victorian PRS Research Presentations, Monash Hospital, 18th November, 2016
“Chest and Back Reconstruction”, PRS SET Teaching, St. Vincent’s Private Hospital Melbourne, 8th November, 2016
“Allograft Tolerance”, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Registrars’ Conference SET2-5, Wellington New Zealand, March 29th, 2017
“Facelift”, PRS SET Teaching, MIPS Melbourne, June 13th, 2017
“Fractures and Dislocations of the Hand”, PRS SET Teaching, Western Hospital October 18th, 2017
“Techniques for Assessing Nipple Vascularity in Breast Re-Reduction”, PRS Research Presentations, Monash Hospital, 17th November, 2017
“Techniques for Assessing Nipple Vascularity in Breast Re-Reduction”, 87th RACS ASM, Sydney Australia, May 9th, 2018
“Facelift and Necklift”, PRS SET Teaching, MIPS Melbourne, June 27th, 2019
“Ear Reconstruction”, PRS SET Teaching, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, August 8th, 2019
“Gynaecomastia, Inverted Nipples and Poland’s Syndrome”, PRS SET Teaching, October 10th 2018
“Lymphodema”, PRS SET Teaching, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, August 8th, 2020
“Facial Nerve Reanimation” PRS SET Teaching, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, 2020
“Protecting the Neo-Nipple”, PRS Research Presentations 2019
“RPNI for Symptomatic Digital Neuroma”, PRS Research Presentations, 2020
“Rhinoplasty”, PRS SET Teaching, 2021